Friday, August 1, 2008

Why Information is the Perfect Product?

For over a decade now Internet Marketers have been touting the wonders of selling information to people.

Information is the perfect product for 3 reasons:

1. It’s easy to produce
Informational products are very easy to produce if you already have some knowledge on a subject that is considered valuable by others. Fortunately, given the huge diversity across the web, it’s hard to come up with an informational topic that is not of value to somebody.
To produce this knowledge, you may find it helpful to come up with a table of contents first, and then just flesh out each chapter into a few pages. Or you might find easier to simply start typing your knowledge out into your favorite word processor. When you’re done, you convert the document into a PDF file document, using free tools and sell it. Sounds easy, right? Well, it’s a bit more involved than this paragraph makes it sound, but yes, it is rather easy to do. It’s certainly easier than creating a “brick and mortar” product.

2. It’s inexpensive to produce
This really goes hand in hand with what I’ve already said. If you already have the knowledge, getting the information into an organized format really only requires time.
However, just because it’s inexpensive to create the informational product doesn’t mean that the information itself is not very valuable. There’s not a “how to…” book written in the world that contains information you get for free somewhere else. People wants and buys “how to…” books because they want it all in front of them in one nice, easy package. That’s why the informational product sell so well.

3. It can be immediately received
Another reason that informational product sell so well is because the visitor reading your sales page knows that the product will be immediately received. They don’t have to go at the library to get their products, they don’t even need to wait for to ship their products at home. No, they will get it right now. That’s a big selling point for a lot of people.
Plus it’s easier on you as the creator of the product. You don’t have to pay a printer to print the books. You don’t even have to burn CD’s. There’s no shipping to do either.

In conclusion, it’s much less expensive – and a lot less hassle – than traditional informational products like books. So that’s why the information is the perfect product for you to sell.

Why to do online business?

Why business on the internet?

Good question. The studies shows that from the beginning of the internet exists the rule of 90/10; it means that 10% of people has 90% of money. Another study shows that 95% of the people over 65 years old lives from social incomes.

But with the internet, this rules whore destroyed. Now every man with a good idea, very important, with a good idea you can live from the incomes of selling that idea over the all internet.

With the fallen of the Berlin Wall, it begins the new era of information. Now who gets, has the information gets the power and the best tools of this new era is of course the internet.

With the help of the internet, the information travels with the speed of light; a person can speak and have a constant contact with other persons in a second with a very low costs, almost free.

However, like every tool, the results can be influenced by the one who uses this tool, internet. If you know how to use the biggest amount of information and the speed of communication, you can practically, create your own virtual empire in a short period of time and have an income that proceed your dreams.

You would never work for other ever in your life. By setting up your online business you will live only from internet incomes, selling your ideas, with a minimum investment and with a minimum time spending at "office" - 2 hours per day just surf the internet and looking for possible business.

So this are a few reasons why to start an online business, but are many others too.

I hope I'm getting you interested about this concept of online/internet business.